
Kingdom Magi Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
The Nightwalkers

The air was still, and the sky was darkening all around the sanctuary. Near midnight, in the lower gardens and courtyards, animals began to come out. Nocturnal animals. Small mice scuttered through the tall grass and Owls sat on the trees, listening to their prey. There were also a few deer walking through the gardens and cougars stepping silently amongst the woods.

Most of the Order was asleep now. Only a few Nocturnal races (Like the Sand People called Tribalians.) stood guard around the sanctuary’s perimeter. Inerax (Forest people sleep only 3 hours) was in the library, tracing lines on different maps when Susej Kythleon entered the room accompanied by Illiath.

“Good evening gents” Greeted Inerax, without turning to face the newcomers.

Illiath sat next to the Dionian whilst Susej just paced around the Library, clearly searching for a book.

“I wanted to speak to you about tomorrow’s arrangements, we should plan the journey out…” began Illiath when Inerax interrupted him.

“That’s what I’m doing.” He said, lifting his maps to show the warrior “We’ll go through the River Domain and follow the east trails. If we leave at sunrise we’ll be there in just a few hours. I’m sure Lich isn’t expecting us to move him this fast. He’s probably thinking we’re training him up… Not that’s its necessary…” He added thoughtfully.

“The boy has proved he’s special” Growled Kythleon’s voice from behind the book stands “He’s able to learn quickly. In a few days he’ll be able to master the enchantments I taught him today… Remember it took you a week to summon a duck, let alone cast a smoke shield”

Inerax Laughed joyfully, abandoning his work and facing the bookshelves “I can’t believe you taught him that duck thing Susej! Why do you do that?”

“To measure the amount of magic he has”
“Either way…”
“Ahem…the Maps?” Interrupted Illiath.

The Dionian stopped abruptly and returned to his work. Minutes passed in silence except for Inerax’s pencil or Kythleon’s constant Book moving. Every now and then a Tribalian recruit would pass the library entrance, and greet the order members. Sometimes little lizard-folk would walk into the library, Take a book, and carry it outside (In groups of 4 or 5, lizards aren’t that strong). After half an hour or so, Kythleon reappeared carrying a large dusty book, which fell with a defiant THUD on the table. Inerax looked up at the Lamia curiously.

“What’s that for?”
“I’m consulting the heavens for guidance” Answered Susej, now looking down at the different Star-Charts and tracing symbols on sheets of paper.
“I Hope your charts work this time, Kythleon, they haven’t been of much help lately…” Said Inerax slyly.
“I haven’t got much choice than to keep looking have I?” A serious look went through his face. “My charts have saved us before and they can do it again, and I’m not discussing this with you any further”  

The wind blew softly around the sanctuary, sweeping through the windowless holes in the rooms. A silent breeze crept secretly through a specific hole, entering Munir’s chamber and waking him up.
The moment Munir opened his eyes; he felt something was going on in the sanctuary. He thought of Tuomas, his friend had been taken away a few days ago, or so he thought. A little hope went through his body as he thought that maybe the cause of the light noise in the sanctuary had something to do with his lost friend. So Munir made up his mind to get out of his chamber and look for the source of this feeling. Cautiously, and trying not to make any noise, he crossed the room, dressed up and grabbed his weapons, and before he could even reach the door, a non human whisper made him stop abruptly.

“G...g... (yawning)...Going on a night time stroll young master?” Asked a curious Asuka, sticking its sleepy head outside its nest.

“Maybe, why?”
“I can’t let you leave this place all by yourself, you’ll get lost young master, allow me to accompany you”

Munir considered the offer “You’ll let someone know I’m off, won’t you?”

A squeaky sound came out of the chest of the eagle, and Munir stared at him surprised, as he discovered it was the eagle’s way of laughing, and he perched himself on his shoulder. “I won’t, you’re the Kingdom Magi, therefore it is my duty to trust and protect you”
“Alright then, Asuka” Said Munir “But keep quiet; I don’t want anyone to notice our absence.”

So Munir crept silently into the corridors, with Asuka on his shoulder and began to make his way towards the lower gardens, every now and then encountering a Tribalian warrior and a few lizard folk reading. Munir contained a laugh as he saw the small geckos trying to decipher the words printed in the enormous volumes compared to their bodies. After a few minutes, they finally reached the lower floor and began to walk towards the gardens.

“Ahem...Young master?” began Asuka Curiously “Why are we going to the gardens?”

“I don’t know” Muttered Munir, Concentrating on his feelings, “I just think we gotta go there”

“Alright...” Sighed the eagle, his thoughts dwelling on giant owls and violent nightshade tigers. The moment they left the building, Munir felt a great difference in the wind. It was a light breeze, cold as darkness. The atmosphere had severely changed as if announcing the arrival of a dark entity.

“Asuka...” Munir asked, “Is it always like this at night?”

Asuka shook his head, as a shiver went through his spine, making him shake his wings uncomfortably.

Then, as quick and as unexpected as the change of atmosphere, all went silent. The night had lost its voice, the owls all stopped hooting, every single creature in the forest had gone silent. Furthermore, an unusual silver mist began to creep into the garden.

Out of the spectre a body began to materialize. Or, was it a body? A humanoid figure composed of entire darkness, wearing no clothes and with pale, hairless and genderless skin stepped out of the mist and opened its glowing blue pupil-less eyes. It took a few steps forward, as if considering the human in front of it, as Munir drew his sword. The creature was tall and light, it moved with an amazing grace and every step it took was light and balanced, as it swung its long and pale arms with the clawed hands they carried. Its arms moved slowly as if made of air and when it stood a few feet away from the young warrior, it crouched and a voice echoed from the entity, even though it didn’t have a mouth.

“Are you the Kingdom Magi?”

Both eagle and Human were too scared to answer. The creature repeated its question, its voice made of what seemed to be a thousand echoes speaking in unison.

“That depends on what you’re looking for” Spoke Asuka, as Munir was paralyzed with fear. Even the eagle’s voice sounded weak and lifeless in presence of this awesome creature.

The entity growled in response. A deep, low, growl, which seemed capable of waking the dead. “I bring information. Information that could be very valuable for the Kingdom Magi, but may be useless in a short time. I repeat. Are you the Kingdom Magi?”
Munir gathered all his courage to mutter an answer. “Yes, I am” he said. “Who are you?”
“I am what you call a nightwalker. I am the shadows, I am darkness itself. But do not be scared Kingdom Magi, me and my people have come in peace.”

“What do you mean with your people?” Asked Munir, Stunned.

The nightwalker didn’t give an immediate answer, but just turned his head, where a group of enormous nightwalkers were materializing from the air. Now the entity was standing in front of a group of nightwalkers, who just stared at Munir, doing nothing else.

“We seek justice and come in the service of Gaia. Trust our words, young one, for we nightwalkers cannot lie.”

“He’s telling the truth” Asuka murmured in Munir’s ear, causing a slight tickle, “Nightwalkers are bound to their honour, they cannot lie...”

“I came to bring you important news, and to prove our loyalty towards you and The Order of Faith. We can feel your fear, Kingdom Magi, and we know the prejudice you have come to believe about us, in the short time you have known of our existence. Even though we come from darkness, and our bodies are designed to kill and cause fear within our enemies, we that come to you tonight, are the ones of our race who have decided to rebel against Lich and his plans for the future. As the great Gaia said, there has to be a balance between light and darkness, and we came to represent light at your side, as ironic as it may be. We ask you to trust us and leave all prejudices behind. We can be of great help to you and your cause.”

“I’m listening” the words came out of Munir’s mouth before he could even realise what he was saying. He was supposed to be fighting darkness, yet these creatures seemed to be telling him that darkness didn’t mean evil, and light didn’t mean good. If he thought about it with the Order’s ideals, this actually made a lot of sense. He had come to believe that human race would be light, or good, but, wasn’t Kevin some sort of evil? And yet, he was human. In every race there could be good and evil.

“There is a place, a city in darkness near the Forest of Whispers... Lizard folk and Animals call it the city of trees. The ruler of this settlement is called Kaheril. Search for him. There is an enchantment to call for help as well. Whenever you need us, we’ll be there. But be warned, we cannot materialize in complete daylight. Furthermore, never forget, not all Nightwalkers fight for your causes... proceed on this mission with caution. Hold out your arm...” Said the Nightwalker, now crouching low enough to touch Munir’s outstretched arm.

A white flash, a moment of pain, and Munir noticed a new symbol had joined his other tattoos. This symbol had a burning branch and what seemed to be some kind of cloud.

“My name is Alofas, and whenever you find yourself in peril, concentrate on the cold change you experienced upon our arrival, call my name, and we’ll join the fight. Be warned though... Lich’s forces are moving, and you must reach Salia in time before it’s too late. He knows you are here, he knows the threat you present. Trust in Gaia and in your instincts... Good Luck Kingdom Magi.” Said Alofas, bowing and retreating into the woods, along with his companions, each vanishing into thin air.

As quick as it had come, they were alone in the garden, the three moons shining high above them, while all animals began to slowly emerge from the woods. As Munir turned to return to the Building, a dozen of Lizard-folk came jumping down the steps, carrying three books in groups of four.

“Excuse me” Said Munir, approaching the little reptiles, who all looked up at him and began to make squeaky noises. He noticed they each had a miniature spear tied behind their backs and were equipped with many small ropes.

“Can you tell me where the City of Trees is?” Asked the human

“It’s near the Forest of whispers sir!” Answered one of the Lizards in a squeaky voice. “We never goes there sir, for it is a dangerous route!”

Asuka landed next to the little group and began to eye them apprehensively while asking “Why do you take these books out? You can read in the Library you know...”

“We doesn’t want to be disturbing Order of Faith members while they studies Mr Birdie...” Said the Lizard with a confused Look. “They Busy and Busy and Busy!”

Munir scooped the little reptilians and their books. “I don’t think they’ll mind if you don’t disturb them directly... C’mon, I’ll help you, and you can help me by telling me about the city of trees...”

“They says it’s the home of big dark creature’s sir!” Said one of the Lizards who was sitting in his arms “And rumours say the city is the base of pirates sir!”

“Pirates?” Asked Munir, startled by this information “You Lizards know about Pirates?”

“We isn’t Lizards Mr Magi sir!” Said another little reptilian “We be Kuo-Tua’s, an ancient reptilian society sir. We look after these woods and use the order’s information to supply our societies with knowledge sir!”

“Right...” Said Munir, Now looking for the Library entrance “I just met a nightwalker named Alofas, and he told me it might be useful for me to go to the city of trees and search for someone named Kaheril... Is this information true?”

“Oh sir yes sir!” Said the Kuo-Tua’s, now scrambling on the front of his robes, giving him the sensation of carrying hamsters (The closest thing he could relate to this feeling) “Kaheril be a Pirate sir. A lawful Pirate. Said that he knows the lands like no other and good friend of lawful Nightwalkers... Like us!” Said the Kuo-Tua’s proudly.

“The City of Trees be his base, where he takes care of those he saves sir, and he has an army of Sailors sir, all powerful and good enough to keep the creatures from the woods at bay! But it’s a hard job sir, for they chose that location because the woods of whispers be inhabited by terrible beasties! Hags and Chokers! To get to City of Trees, Know the safe route you must Sir!” Squeaked one of the little reptiles.

Munir considered the Information. So there was a Kaheril, a lawful pirate? Meaning he’d probably need to go out to open sea... this wasn’t exactly encouraging.

Immersed in his thoughts, he hardly heard the little Kuo-Tua’s squeaking a warning, and by the time he turned, he had bumped headfirst into Susej Kythleon. Who picked him up and surveyed him through his straight brown eyes.

“Where have you been Kingdom Magi?” Asked the Lamia, now staring at the little reptiles, all who hid under as much cloth as they could from Munir’s robes.

“I met a Nightwalker named Alofas, and I was bringing the Kuo-Tua’s to the library...Why?” Asked the Human curiously.

Susej just nodded and stepped back into the library, where Illiath and Inerax sat; tracing what seemed to be maps and charts. Once inside, the Little Kuo-Tua’s leapt off Munir’s arms, climbed the nearest table and sat down in rows, staring at the kingdom magi with apparent interest.

“So there you are,” Said Illiath in an exasperated voice “We’ve been looking for you. Why are you awake?”

As Munir retold his encounter with the nightwalker, Asuka landed among the reptiles, and began to try and pick them up. The little creatures ran all around the table, poking the bird playfully. Kythleon seemed to be immersed in a book and paid no attention to either distraction. Once Munir had finished, Inerax and Illiath exchanged Meaningful looks.

“Kaheril aye?” Said Inerax, Looking out into the open, apparently lost in thought “I’ve heard of him before... Heero’s actually met him. I wonder why the nightwalkers sent you to him. Any theories Illiath?”

“A few... But they must wait until the Kingdom Magi is taken to Salia...” Replied Illiath

“My name’s Munir by the way...” mumbled Munir, now considerably annoyed of being called “Kingdom Magi” all the time.

Everyone ignored him.

“Well, it’ll be sunrise in a couple of hours, why don’t you go get your stuff Kingdom Magi?” Asked Inerax. As Munir stood up, Kythleon suddenly let out a growl, like the kind a cat did when sensing danger.

“What is it Susej?”

Susej, peered into his charts, and looked up worried.
“He knows... And he’s coming!”
Chapter 5 of the upcomming novel...

A special, very special chapter. This chaptr includes the wonderfull collaboration of Mariana Sanchez. The chapter was written in a Kingdom Magi session by the boh of us, so I want to thank her for her awesome job!!! Hope we'll hear of her again in this journey!!!

Tonight, we meet the infamos creatures of darkness. Nightwalkers!

CHAPTER 1: [link]
CHAPTER2: [link]
CHAPTER 3: [link]
CHAPTER 4: [link]
CHAPTER 5: [link]
CHAPTER 6: [link]


Chapter 6
Gaia’s Mystery

A few Minutes later the entire sanctuary was awake. Tribalians and Kuo-Tua’s alike were forming all around the temple, with their weapons at the ready. Heero and Munir were running to the stables, accompanied by Folenam and Susej. As Heero ran towards his white horse, Susej and Folenam brought him a second one. This horse was brown, and had long black hair. Munir Mounted the Horse, as Folenam secured the back doors and took out a metal Torch-like object.

“Now Listen, Heero, You know which way to go. Munir, Just follow him. We’re sending a few decoys to Saphiria and to Alticoras. The King is expecting you, and a second guard is waiting at the end of the east trails, Asuka has gone to warn them.”

A sudden explosion was heard through out the entire place. Clearly a battle had begun.
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